When Josh is sick, he probably should not drive himself to the doctor.
Josh + a 105-degree fever + an ER visit = ONE BAD WEEK.
Friends who will sit with you all night in the ER are friends to keep around forever.
Little League Opening Day ceremonies, in which they announce all 400 players individually by name, will take HOURS. Skipping this event next year would not be such a bad thing.
Girl scout cookies are of the devil and will taunt me with their yummy, satanic deliciousness.
When the cable box goes haywire and works only in black-and-white, the children will assume this is how I watched t.v. as a little girl.
The children will need to be educated that I am a YOUNG mom and was privileged to enjoy color t.v., computers, and not riding to school on a dinosaur when I was their age.
The cable company will not see the black-and-white viewing as the emergency we feel it is, and will take days to send someone out to fix it.
Shopping is the best therapy for a rough week.
Favorite thing this week: Seeing a movie all by myself and LOVING it.
Stie's Thoughts
Welcome! I am Christie, a wife, mother, and diet coke addict. I write to remember the gift that is my life. I wear diamond shoes, complain frequently, and wish desperately that my babies would stop growing up so fast.
“You’re all too self-absorbed to pay any attention to me!”