The best thing about moving to Missouri is not having to take a written test to get a driver's license. (Those tests literally give me panic attacks. I'm not kidding.)
When Hannah has two loose teeth that are barely hanging on by a thread, only the Husband will be allowed to touch them or pull them out. (no complaints here)
It is a lucky thing, indeed, for a mama to sit bolt upright in bed in the middle of the night and remember that the tooth fairy needs to make a visit.
When the temperature cools down to a chilly 92 degrees, you really can feel the difference.
There are some things that just won't turn up after a move. Important things like cancelled license plate receipts from other states who are insisting you pay them taxes for vehicles no longer registered there.
The husband will invariably get the blame for said lost receipts.
Meeting new friends at a Bunko night warms my lonely little heart.
You should not start the Twilight series unless you have three days to plow through them. Because you WILL NOT be able to stop once you start. And there will be children begging for trifles like food and clean laundry.
You should always have a trip to look forward to (NYC in six weeks - yay!).
It should never be a surprise to wear out a blow dryer when you spend 20 minutes a day using it to burn your hair into submission.
It IS an annoying surprise every time.
Stie's Thoughts
Welcome! I am Christie, a wife, mother, and diet coke addict. I write to remember the gift that is my life. I wear diamond shoes, complain frequently, and wish desperately that my babies would stop growing up so fast.
“You’re all too self-absorbed to pay any attention to me!”