Before weeding the flower beds in your front yard, it is helpful to know which are flowers and which are weeds.
Knowing this in advance will prevent the elderly woman next door from having a heart attack as she watches you cheerfully pluck flowers instead of weeds.
When planning your son's 8th birthday, do not be naive enough to think you can simply take a few eight-year-old boys to the movies and call it a party.
Before the week is through, you will somehow have morphed that brilliant idea into a full-fledged Army-themed party.
At your house.
And 13 boys will be coming.
After spending a year in Sunny So Cal, do not be surprised when your children have no warm-weather gear that fits.
Sending your son to the bus stop in YOUR jacket will make you feel just a little bit embarrassed because he doesn't have one himself.
He, however, will be perfectly thrilled with the new jacket arrangement.
Promptly running out to buy a new jacket for said son will guarantee 85-degree weather for at least the next three weeks.
Getting that letter in the mail from GWB will be the highlight of a little boy's week.
Watching this defeat happen in person will be the lowlight of The Husband's week.
Your favorite thing this week: NOT having to watch that defeat and getting some girl time with the Hannah.
Stie's Thoughts
Welcome! I am Christie, a wife, mother, and diet coke addict. I write to remember the gift that is my life. I wear diamond shoes, complain frequently, and wish desperately that my babies would stop growing up so fast.
“You’re all too self-absorbed to pay any attention to me!”