Me, a thinker?
/So, as an honorary recipient of this award, I get to bestow it on five others (who in turn get to bestow it on five more). Kind of like sharing the blog love. So here goes:
I have to give my first award to my friend, Annie. See, when I started blogging, I wrote a post about Annie that you can read here. I sent her the link (and it was the first time I shared my blog with ANYONE). She sent me back the link to her secret blog, which prompted us both to come out of the blog closet. She's a very good friend that I miss, and I love reading up on her life (even though I wish she had less of a life like me and could post MORE FREQUENTLY. Hint, hint.) She is one smart cookie and well-deserving of a thinking award.
Second award goes to my fabulous mother-in-law, Oma. She is a well-traveled woman, thoughtful friend, doting grandmother, and fashionista extraordinaire. She constantly inspires and amazes me with her wisdom and advice. Chatting with Oma is one of my favorite things to do. I just love her.
Third one goes to a new friend in Alaska, Michelle at Scribbit. She is one of the most creative people I have ever run into. Her blog is full of humor, fantastic ideas for kids, gourmet recipes, and lots more. I can't imagine a nine-month winter, and she lives it with a smile. She's great. Pop on over.
My fourth award goes to a very funny lady at Here In Idaho. She cracks me up EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I discovered her blog quite by accident, and now make sure to check it daily. She is absolutely hilarious. Her writing reminds me to never take life too seriously.
And last, but not least, is the admirable June Cut-Off Cash at Bye Bye Buy. She and her husband are trying to go an entire year without spending money on anything extra (they've saved almost $10,000 since January 1). I think (besides that threesome with Angelina Jolie) that this is my husband's deepest fantasy (one, sadly, that he'll probably never get to see play out) and I truly enjoy her writing. She is fantastic, and always makes you think.
There are more obvious family and friends that I wanted to nominate, but I figured Oma could get that ball rolling. Plus, I wanted you all to have a peek at some of the blogs that make me laugh every day (in addition to yours). Keep the blog love rolling!